I love Disneyland but it’s not that often that I get to go. Prices have skyrocketed and though I live about an hour away from Disneyland and Disney California, it’s a place I don’t get to visit that often.
Recently, my husband and I were taking our dog for a stroll in a local shopping center when a couple that was dining outdoors commented on how cute our dog was. They shared that they were from out of state and they had brought their dog with them on their travels. They went about to share that just the other day, they went to Disneyland. I asked them what they did with their dog during their time at the “happiest place on earth” when they shared that there was a dog kennel inside of the park. I had no idea! I have been to Disneyland more than a dozen times but never even thought about animals other than the Disney characters at the park.
I went onto the Disneyland Park website and found it… Disneyland Kennel Club. The kennel is located right by the main entrance inside of the Disneyland Park. It opens 30 minutes prior to the earliest park opening and closes 30 minutes after the latest park is closed. It states that the kennels are organized by dog size and is climate controlled (good to know). Pricing is $20 per dog per day. They allow you to bring items to make your dog comfortable such as toys and blankets. Specific vaccination records as well as information is required before a pet is accepted at the Disneyland dog kennel. Not only do they accept dogs, they also except birds, rabbits, rodents as well as other pets that are legal in California. So interesting!
More information is available on the Disneyland website. Though it is hard for me to imagine bringing my dog to Disneyland to be placed in a kennel, under some circumstances where a family is traveling with a pet and one of their “must stop” spots in California happens to be Disneyland, this may be a great option (all Disneyland hotels are not dog friendly). The employees at Disneyland are trained to be top notch in customer service. Perhaps this service carries through when caring for your pets. And $20? That’s a deal when it comes to Disney!
Yelp has some great reviews on people who have utilized this service. From photos that past customers posted, the inside the kennel looks GREAT!
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