If your dog is also sensitive to long car rides, I would recommend taking him/her for short trips around town prior to your trip. If they are anything like our pup, it may still not work but I think it’s good to get them used to being in a car. Tips such as leaving the window open so that there is ample circulation in the car that may help is definitely helpful. We have learned to always keep extra towels in the car for Muffin just in case. She may have had a bad experience in the past that she associates car rides with or perhaps she thinks she’s going to the groomers or the vet and becomes anxious. Then again, she may just have a sensitive tummy. I usually keep her on the seat with me as my husband drives. This comforts her more than being on the seat on her own. If I am driving her (to the vet) without my husband, I”ll bring her bed with us and put it on the seat along with a towel. This seems to calm her a bit.
I know our vet has mentioned giving Benadryl to help with motion sickness prior to our vacations but honestly, I’ve never given Muffin any. I’m just not comfortable. The dosage depends on your dogs weight and health so PLEASE MAKE SURE you consult with your vet before giving any type of medicine to your dog.
Here’s a link to another post with more travel tips with your pup! Hoping practice makes perfect even for car rides. Best of luck!
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